When I was learned English for the very first time, I often being
confused with Eleven (11) and Elephant. Different pronounce with similar spelling.
Fortunately, I know now that Elephant is four-legs animal that
have this unique feature, proboscis and a very large earlobe. My kindergarten
and primary school teachers describe Elephant as a very big—or fat animal. Therefore,
those kids in my school often called someone that are fat as “Elephant” or “Gajah”
Thus, we all known that Elephant not belongs in school. It
belongs in Jungle or Forest, friends with Tarzan—as our imagination explore
from Sunday-carton at Global TV.
Question that often appeared in my own mind is that “How
they manage to get enough food for its big- body?” For as much as I know, they
always being with their flock. How is it enough to live in jungle or forest?
The answer of course came out from googling. It is because
Elephant is herbivore and mostly, they eat 50% grass and the rest could be
leaves, branches, roots and a very little amounts of fruits. Now I feel silly
to imagine that Elephant mostly eat fruit.
Interesting fact about Elephant is that they actually the
only mammals that couldn’t jump. It is because Elephant is—as you guessed—heavy.
They also spending 16 hours in a day for just eating. For drinking, Elephant is
just crazy as their need for grass. Adult Elephant could drink 30- 50 gallons
of water each day. Now it is not surprising that they are so heavy. Haha.
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