Vacation And Me

I think I never went for a real vacation before. It is not surprising fact about me and my life. Thanks to my personality, I could never feel comfortable around people. In my life, an experience that are feels nearly like tourism vibes is when I read epic fantasy novels. Epic fantasy like A Song of Ice and Fire, and The Lord of the rings. I remember, those days when I was not sleeping in three days for finishing A Clash of Kings—The second book in A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. I really went into the setting of the novel. It is so otherworldly when I imagine a dragon’s eggs that are on fire and the chaos of Dothraki when Khal Drogo die. Or when Sandor Clegane finally betray Joffrey and run off from a war filled up with a fire that are flaming in a sea in Kings Landing. Good books is always a way for escape from reality—at least for me.

        I didn’t mean to say that I never going to a tourism place before. Only, I never really enjoyed myself. I went to one of the beaches in Madura when I was on my first year in UTM, it’s not a fun experience. All I can do is sit in a gazebo and buy rujak also coconut drink—like a coconut drink that serve the coconut drink from its shell. It is delicious, but too plain for tourist destination. I rather be in Zoo instead of in that beach. Zoo and the beach are both noisy, but in zoo we could see “something.” Some endangered animals, funny orangutan, or just admiring exotic birds we’ve never see before. Beach is not supposed to be noisy, but is in that beach.

Other experience of me going to tourist destination is when our Middle Grade School make a Study Tour in Malang. It is quite fun since I enjoyed the rides with my friends. I hope I could experience the same happiness with my old friends again. For going to a vacation, I just hope I could see Historical sites in Indonesia and other countries, like Ka’bah, Constantinople, Pantheon and all of those sites related with Islam religion also ancient Greek and Rome—cause I’m obsessed with Olympians Mythology. 
