Traditional Poem For Creative Writing's Assignment : Last Night of August

Last Night Of August
By: Syahruli Nur Qotrunnada 

Last night of August just feels unreal
I can’t see where I stumble until I fall deep here.

The mud increase from where they pullulate—
—my past nightmare.
The past adhere around whether it is late,
Though—no ones care.

When the night creeped in bit by bit
I should have ignored—or, should have I prepare?
Men denial begin to scratch his trifling shield
I have known the consequent, so why do now I start the nightmare?

Now I started the nightmare, and..
Last night of august is cold yet feels unreal.
How I laugh her nightmare, and
See some gastlighting that she think is real.

Last night of August is feels unreal..
The sight of her eyes make me reliving.
